Friday, October 12, 2012


It has really just been way to long since my last entry.  I need to get back into the swing of it because my kids are hilarious!  I swear the older they get the funnier they get.  I will just share one short story for now and then I will post some more later.....

Little Payton is 4 and has decided to stop doing ballet and join a soccer team.  So we have put her into a local soccer club that is all volunteer.  Long story short I am her coach.  Let me tell you how frustrating that is.  I know she is only 4, but I am extremely competitive and for my daughter to be "the worst" player on the team, IT IS KILLING ME!!

Let me back track, she isn't "the worst" player on the team.  She could just care less about the sport.  She runs looking at her new shiny silver cleats (shoes).  She runs looking at the butterflies in front of her.  Worst of all.....
now picture this

She is running, see's her sister (Madi) with the camera, 
actually stops, 
smiles, and
poses for the picture 

and then continues running to catch up with her team.

Are you kidding me?  I don't know if I can handle this for another season  

Monday, August 27, 2012

Momma Told You So!

I might sound like a bad Mom at the end of this little story but do know that I love my children and I do love on them and care for their wounds.  Well anyway you will see what I am talking about.  

So everyday parents tell there kids don't do this don't do that.  They think we are telling them just for the fun of it but in all reality we are telling them for their safety.  


Well today my children were in the bathroom brushing their teeth getting ready for bed.  I was in the living room, reading.
All of a sudden I hear a huge thud and immediately crying afterward.  Madi comes running and screaming for Me to go help Payton.  

I am already up and running, trying to figure out what is going on.  Apparently she was standing on the edge of the tub and slipped and fell backwards, hitting her head on the edge of the tub.  
I scooped her up and loved on her, checked her out and got her some ice for the huge bump on the back of her head.  

After we calmed her down and took care of her, made sure there wasn't a concussion, we snuggled on the couch.

(This is where I might not be "a good mom")
In my head I'm thinking.  I told you over and over again don't stand on the tub.  They are so slippery.  Why won't you listen to me.  I don't feel bad for you when you get hurt because you didn't heed my warnings.  Maybe now you will listen to what I say.  Mom told you so.

I never said any of it out loud.  Just thought it.  I continued to snuggle on her and love on her and made sure that she is OK!

Does anyone else think, "Momma told you so?"

Monday, August 6, 2012

What kids will say when parents are AWAY!!

My husband and I went to my High School reunion on Friday night, leaving the girls with my brother and sister-n-law, Jason and Jill.

They took the girls to eat dinner with my father and mother-n-law.  On the way there, little Payton, of course, let go of some gas.  And oh boy was it really bad!  Jason and Jill said it was by far the stinkiest of any man's they have ever smelled. 
Jill asked Payton, "How are you so stinky?"
Payton replied in her quietest, sweetest little voice, "Because my Heavenly Father made me that way!"

Oh sweet Payton, Heavenlly Father didn't make you eat whatever is rotting inside your cute little body!

And then....

While they were in the restaurant eating, Rae was apparently all finished and decided to get up and walk around.  Jill asked her to go sit down, she didn't need to be running around.  
Reagan looked at Jill, tilted her head, batted her eyes and said in her sweetest little voice,

" I was just coming to give you a KISS!"

Jill said that it was a complete lie. Reagan was totally walking the other direction away from Jill.
But it was so adorable, Jill gave her a kiss and then made her sit down.  

That little girl knows how to manipulate and get anything she wants.  She is so stinkin' smart.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I just Love her MOM!!

Payton and Reagan were eating dinner next to each other. I mean like right next to each other, practically on each other's chairs.  Anyway we are all eating and I hear Reagan scream as if she is being hurt.  

Of course I look up and see that she isn't hurt and nothing is going on.  I give her the mom look for "What are you doing stop screaming for no reason"
 And I continue to eat. 

She screams again.  So again I look up and say, "What in the world are you screaming about?"

She says, "Payton is touching me"

I look over at Payton and ask her why in the world she is touching her sister and making her scream like that...

Payton simply replies, "I want to touch her"  Plain and simple, no laugh, nothing.

I ask her to stop and leave her sister alone and to just eat her dinner.

Low and behold a few minutes later the exact same scream comes from Reagan's mouth.  

"Stop touching your sister,  Payton," 
I yell

"But Mom I love her so much that I just want to touch her," Payton calmly explains as she goes to give her sister a big hug.  

Super sweet and nice but sometimes people just don't want to be touched.  Even if you want to touch them and love on them.  I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but sometimes you think somethings (like babies) are so stinkin' cute that you just want to squeeze them until their eyes pop.  I think Payton was just wanting her sisters attention so bad that she would do anything to get her to pay attention to her. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Quote of the Week....

"Mom do your boobs still have milk in them?"  -Payton

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I can't take credit  for this one.  I have stories like this one but mine are not near as good as the one I'm about to tell.  I hope you enjoy!

My friend, who will remain nameless, was outside with her son in their little toddler swimming pool.  You know the inflatable pools where you fill it up just a enough to get their ankles wet practically.  Anyway so she was out watching her little guy in the pool.  I'm not exactly sure how she cut herself, but she was doing something and ended up cutting her hand.  So she went inside to clean up the blood and bandage it up.  As she is at the kitchen sink she could see through the window to her son in the pool.  Which was great of course.  So she is cleaning up and she see's little dark things in the pool.  Her son starts picking one up and throwing it outside of the pool onto their deck.  Within a few seconds of seeing them she realized it was poop.

She then starts hollering at her son to stop touching them.  He either one, can't hear her, or two could care less cause he didn't want the poo in his pool.  Either way he continued to scoop it out and throw it on the deck.  

My friend is frantically trying to finish cleaning up her wound to get out there.  She then notices the dog is out there picking up the poop after it is being thrown out of the pool and taking it to another location on their deck and dropping it off.  Then not only is the dog stepping on it and smearing it all over the deck, her son gets out of the pool and starts stepping on it and smearing it all over the deck.  

All the while she moving as fast as she can to clean up her wound and bandage it so she doesn't get blood all over.  She was in the kitchen for literally 3 minutes, and for two of them yelling at her son and the dog, to stop touching the poop, leave it alone.  And them obviously not listening.
By the time 3 minutes had passed and she walked out to the deck, her son and dog where covered in poop and the was poop shmear all over the deck.

I died laughing.  I've only had poop in the tub and it ended with me scooping it out, no big deal.  
This one was HILARIOUS!  

Friday, July 13, 2012


We were coming out of Dion's, which is a pizza place, after eating dinner at about 8pm.  I know bad parenting, blah blah blah.....
I was walking up to my brother-n-law Jason who was waiting outside with 2 of my girls just hanging out.  He comes up to me and tells me this story......

I (Jason)was standing out here and little Payton walks out and stares at this small (kind of at her eye level) light pole.  She starts squinting and frowning and really concentrating on this light.  She starts clenching her fists and shaking a little, as she is still intently staring at the light.  (As Jason is telling me this he is making the actions himself).  So I (Jason) ask her what she is doing.  
She responds.....
"I am trying to turn it off"

What a silly little girl.  It would be super creepy if it just randomly turned off while she was doing that.  Hahahahahaha, she cracks me up.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


We are probably all moms or at least women that read this.  

I am wondering if I am the only one out there that enjoys cleaning the toilet.  I clean my toilet once a week and it really doesn't get to bad.  Granted I have 3 girls and no boys, besides the hubs and I have to say he has a pretty good aim.  Anyway I like cleaning the toilet.  I like the smell of the bathroom after it has been cleaned thoroughly.  I am very pleased with myself!

What gets me though is the first person to go #2 in it after I have cleaned it.  Can't we hold it for 24 hours just so my toilet bowl can stay nice and pretty.  Just so it can stay white and shinny and smelling good.  I don't mind the pee, but don't go poo.  

The worst part is when it is me that needs to go.  I seriously clench my bum for a minute contemplating whether to do it or not.  HOW STUPID!!  
Why am I like this?  It's a toilet for crying out loud!

I just had to laugh at myself this morning during my contemplation period.  

Get over it and stop cringing over it and just enjoy the clean toilet while it's clean.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Little Payton was being naughty at explora, a childrens museum, the other day.  I was explaining to my husband what she had done to be so naughty.  He then turned to get after her, as he was being stern with her she started to smile. " He said this is not funny!  You need to wipe that smirk off your face!" 

Almost as soon after he said that, Little Payton took her hand and wiped it from one side of her cheek across her mouth to the other cheek, thus 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Brave Swimmer!

I took the girls swimming today.  We have been trying to teach Payton how to swim without her floaties for a little bit now.  Today she made real progress.  She can swim short lengths, she just struggles when her head goes under.  

As I was laying out, tanning, Payton came over and squeezed a wet ball over my back getting me wet.  
Little stink!
I told her, jokingly, that if she did it again I would throw her into the pool, without her floaties.

She thought she was so cool and brave, she did it again.  So I got my big butt up and chased after her.  You are not supposed to run around the pool so we didn't go far and I gave up.  As she attempted to get me wet again, for the 3rd time, I grabbed her by the arm, carried her over to the 3ft. end and gently tossed her.  Of course keeping close by incase she needed help.  
She did fabulously!!  She came right up and swam over to the stairs.  

I thought this would be the end but she attempted again.  What a dummy!!  This time I grabbed the ball and threw it into the pool.  Not caring where it went cause she didn't have her floaties and she wasn't going to be able to go after it.  As soon as I threw it I turned around laughing to myself.  
Next thing I knew I heard a splash!  She had jumped in, she jumped right in to go get the ball.  I turned around prepared to jump in and then not believing what I was seeing.  
That little stink got the ball and swam back up to the side of the pool!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012


My kids are driving me crazy!!  I don't know if they are all going through the same stage at the same time or what.  Maybe they feel the stress I am feeling and are acting out.  No matter what it is I am so sick and tired of the way they are acting.

So I tell them to do something.  Lets take for instance I say bed time.  They respond with,
"Mom, but can we stay up 5 more minutes?"

I say lets go get into the car.  They respond with,
"But mom can we stay and play for 5 more minutes?"

I say lets stay for 5 more minutes and then head home.  They respond with,
"But mom can we stay for 10 more minutes?"

You get the picture?
This probably doesn't seem like that big of a deal.  It really is though.  They respond with this......"But Mom can we......."  Every single time I ask them to do something.  

I went off on them the other night.  They did the same routine, I ask them to clean up, get jammies on, brush their teeth and climb into bed.  After every one of the request they came back with a "but mom" response.  So when it came down to the bed and climbing in it, you can imagine that I had enough.  
At the top of my mean mom lungs, and with my mean mom, "I mean business" look,  I yelled,
I shut the light off, and slammed the door.

As soon as I walked out all you could hear was crying.  It sounded like there were at least 10 girls in their crying.  
"I want kisses", "Mom come tuck us in", "No mom come back", "MOOOMMMMM"

I didn't go back in for the rest of the night.  I hate nights like this!  I hope this stage ends soon, like tomorrow morning!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Nothing better!

Sure my kids drive me crazy, and they can be out of hand most of the time. 

But there is nothing sweeter than walking into a room and seeing two of them snuggled up together asleep.  

Even though one of them has their mouth wide open, sleeping like an old man, and the other had their eyes somewhat open, very creepy looking, as if they are secretly watching you.  All the while you know they are sound asleep.

I just love it!  They really are so precious and sweet and loving.  And for some reason they just smell sooo good.  (I hope I'm not the only parent that smells their children while they are asleep)
This small and awesome moment makes me just want to have a billion of them.  
I end up staring at them for a while, just taking it in.  I seriously have a hard time walking away.  

Sometimes I will make it to the door, walk out and then peak back in, just to get one more glimpse.
Then other times like today I end up snuggling in next to them, smelling them again and laying my head down next to them, just to fall asleep.  

I love moments like this!
Makes all the bad, rotten, smelly days so worth it!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Are you KIdding me?

Just the other morning I was taking a shower, in my own bathroom, and Madison walks in.  I asked her what she was doing and she said, "going to the bathroom".  Fine, ok, she is allowed to go to the bathroom.  She didn't just pee though.  
So I asked her, "you couldn't wait 10 more minutes to take care of that business or at least gone into the other bathroom?"
She answered No, of course.
Then child number 2, Payton came into the bathroom. Madison is also still in there, doing her business.  Then Reagan came in.  All of a sudden as I am trying to wash up they all start trying to talk to me at once.
"Mom can I do this?"
"Mom Rae did that"
"Mom, Mom,MOMMMM!!!"

I tried to ignore them as long as I could, but they knew I was in there.  It's like they sniff me out.  I repeated, I don't know how many times that I couldn't hear them.  Finally I had to YELL,

And so they did.  At that point I said I can't understand when you all talk at once, just go one at a time.  I don't think they understood what that meant so they all started yelling at once.  
I then yelled,
"All of you get out, just get out, I am in the shower and I want you to GET OUT!!!  
Go ask your father."

Can't I have an privacy?  No, the answer to that is no.  There is no privacy in my bedroom or the bathroom or even the shower.  Sorry Moms you get no privacy anywhere.

When I was done showering, I wrapped the towel around me and walked into my bedroom, where my husband was sitting on the bed reading something.  
I asked him how long he had been sitting there?  He said the whole time that I was in the shower.

"Are you kidding me?  
While the girls are in the bathroom yelling and all trying to talk to me at the same time, and all the while I'm yelling back that I can't hear them all and they needed to get out.  You were sitting here nice and quiet and didn't think to help me at all?  Are you kidding me?"

"I didn't hear anything" he says


Friday, June 15, 2012


"I wonder what it is like inside this soccer ball"  

                                          I didn't have an answer for this one.  


While I was visiting my mom in TX we went into Target.  I went right away to customer service and she went to take the younger two girls to the bathroom.  When she came out of the bathroom and met up with me she told me to talk to Payton, to ask her what she has to tell me.  My heart started racing and I started to think of all the things that she might need to say.  As I called for her she started to walk near me and immediately said,"I don't have anything to tell you."  I then started to tell her that Mima (my mom) said she did in fact have something to tell me, when I noticed a big wad of GUM stuck in her hair.  I asked her how in the world she got gum stuck in her hair, she then told me she was just playing with it.  Of course she was just playing with it, what else could it have been.  

I told her I would have to cut off all her hair because she decided to play with her gum in her hair.  

Instead when we got home I got the jar of peanut butter and started to slowly rub it over the gum and it loosened the gum right up.  Within 7 minutes the gum was all out and I stuck her in the bath. 


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What we teach is not always what they hear!!

So of course my husband and I are constantly teaching our children things everyday.  Whether it is about life, religion, manners, respect, money or anything else.  All parents do this.

The girls and I are visiting my parents for 2 weeks in Texas.  My dad and Reagan were coming down the stairs where there is a picture of Jesus Christ.  My dad asked Rae who that was in the picture.  She of course said Jesus and then followed with he died on the cross.  

He said, "Yeah that is right.  Do you know why he died?"

She then tilted her head to the side, stuck her tongue out (as if she was dead) and made the "ehhhh" sound, also as if she was dead!

Pretty sure my Dad said "Do you know why," not, "Do you know what he looked like or what sound he may have made when he died"

What A Silly Girl!

(This may have been funnier in person)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nothing is Private

Every once in a while my girls will spend the night at my in-laws, Granny and Grandpa Sego.  This time they spent the night on a Saturday night and Grandpa brought them home early the next morning all bathed because we had church at 9am.  I was very appreciative of them being bathed already, it was very helpful!

Anyway David (Grandpa) told us a little story about what storied were told during the sleepover.
Apparently one of them was Payton telling Granny and Grandpa where Mom shaved and didn't shave on her entire body.  Where mom had hair and didn't have hair.  I'm not going to go into detail on my blog.  Too much detail has already left the 4 walls of my home.  

Lets just say that my in-laws now know the ends and outs of  what my body looks like naked.  
Isn't that nice!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I take a nap every day with my youngest two daughters.  I don't care what you have to say about that cause I love them (the girls and the naps).  Anyway I usually fall asleep before they do and wake up about 1 hour before they do.  
So today my nap was very short because we went down late and I needed to get up and pick Madi up from school. As I was falling in and out of sleep, you know how that happens when you are stressed or you just have a lot on your mind, I noticed Payton picking her nose.  I vaguely remember her saying I need a tissue and getting up to get one.
When I woke up I had 10 minutes until Madi needed to be picked up from school.  So I grabbed my shoes and rushed out the door.  I arrived a little early, our school is about 3 minutes away.  I was sitting in the car, listening to music with the windows down just enjoying the sun rays coming in the window.  As I glanced down at my arm I noticed a little green BOOGER.  GROSS!!  Why would a booger be on my arm?  Then I remembered Payton saying she needed a tissue, before I fell asleep. I figured that was what happened.  Maybe she just rubbed one off on my arm as she got off the bed, on accident.  As I flicked it off I noticed...... another one!  And another!

Not all of them were flickable either I had to scrape some of them off because they were dry and crusty.
What a freak!  
Who makes a booger trail on their mom's arm while she is sleeping?  Ummmm MY KID DOES!  

Monday, May 21, 2012

Helpful Ointment

Being a mom with young children I have come across many bottoms with rashes on them.  Last night at about 10pm I had to deal with this situation.  
I was kind of stuck though.  I had let my friend borrow my antibiotic ointment called Butt Paste.  Which by the way is the best!  It gets rid of any irritation in the bottom area with in 48 hours. 
As I said though I let my friend borrow it.  Then I remembered a sweet little nurse on the other end of the phone a few years ago giving me instructions for a homemade ointment that I remembered working GREAT!!

Here is the recipe in case you ever need it...
Proportions are all equal, I did a Teaspoon of each
Baking Powder

p.s.  It wasn't a little bottom...shhh


We go to church every Sunday.  

Every Sunday I ask the girls what they learned.  

Every Sunday they say, "We learned about Jesus".  WOW!! Such an obvious answer.  Really they should say, "Mom we don't know what what we learned because we didn't pay attention, we were to busy playing and talking to our friends, until they brought out the snacks."

Today was a different day!  Payton actually learned something and remembered to tell us about it.  She learned that she has "Special Ear".  Yep that's right!  And that nobody can touch her special ears. They are special because she can ear cars and toys and that she can and should use them to listen to her teachers.

Do you know what this tells me?  This tells me that she wasn't listening or paying attention in class and her teacher was sweet enough to make up "special ears" so that Payton and possibly others in the class will use their "special ears" to listen to the teacher's lesson, which is what they should be doing anyway.  
That is exactly what this tells me!  Ah oh wel,l we will take full advantage of this and us it in our own home.  I may even threaten to take away her "special ears" if she doesn't listen to me!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I don't know if it is just me, my personality, or if any mom really likes change when it comes to their schedule.  I am a very scheduled person, I like to know when and where exactly I'm going .  I don't like the, "fly by the seat of your pants" schedule and just hope that everything works out.  With kids I need structure.  I need to know every detail. 


When a schedule is altered without, really more than a days notice, I kinda freak out!  I feel frantic and unorganized.  It could be just a small change, such as lets meet 30 minutes earlier.  I won't take this well. I don't understand why I couldn't have that small detail 3 days ago when I was going over that day's plan and schedule in my head.  

So why is that?  Why do I plan everything out so far ahead in advance and a minor hiccup up in it makes me cranky?  Seriously I become very cranky, grouchy, irritable and then I just don't really want to do it at all.  What is wrong with me?  Sometimes I feel like this is everyone else's issue and they just need to pull it together.  After sitting on it for awhile I sometimes wonder if it is me.  

Am I alone?  
Are there other moms out there who ate change as much as I do?

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Different Twist to Mother's Day

Every year I think about how grateful I am to be a mother and how wonderful it is, how talented my children are.  I also think about how proud I am to be their mom and what joy they bring into my life.  All these thoughts still came to my mind this Mother's Day, but so did many other thoughts.

A little bit different though. 

This year I am thankful that I have children who can scream and yell!  I am thankful that my children are able to fight and bicker at each other.  I am thankful that my girls are able to dislike food and to express that to me. I am thankful that they give me their honest opinions even though it may hurt my feelings.  I am thankful that they spit and bite.  I am thankful that they are able to color on walls and tear up important papers.  I am grateful for all these things and many other things that I, as any other mom, would get upset over.  

I am grateful for these things because they mean to me that my girls are normal happy healthy girls!

There are so many children out there who are unable to hear, see, speak, taste, walk or even breath on their own.  There are so many children out there who have extreme health conditions that could cost them their lives.  There are many children out there who can't express there feelings whether it is through kicking their sibling or kissing their mom.  

There are mothers out there who are at their whits end because they don't know how to help their child.  Whether it's because of a medical condition or an environmental situation.  
And there are some Mothers out there who can't have children.  Who have not been blessed with a child of their own.  Who crave so desperately the feeling to be a mom.  

This Mothers day my heart ached so bad for those around me who are in these situations, or whom have children with medical conditions that are unable to fight and bicker and spit and color on the walls.

I know we, mothers with children, would love to trade lives sometimes with those around us who don't have to listen to a screaming 3 year old, who doesn't want to wear matching shoes.  I know I am one, I will be the first to stand and say that, Yes I have thought, it would be nice to just go to the bathroom in my own home and not have to lock the door just to get a minute of peace.  

What if you were on the other side and you couldn't have children and there was nothing you could do to change that.  Or what if that screaming three year old was deaf and couldn't verbally tell you how much they,"wuv you mommy" in their most adorable tone.  

If we think twice about the little healthy blessings that have been placed in our care, we might act differently in rough situations.  We might punish them differently or not punish them at all for accidentally spilling nail polish all over the carpet.  But instead holding them in our arms and loving them and taking the opportunity to teach them.  We are very luck as mothers to have healthy happy screaming children!  

I pray everyday for those in my life who have physical struggles with their children or who are unable to have children.  

I now pray for myself to love the moments and be thankful for the moments that my children are fighting!  It has put a little spin and a challenge into my life to think this way!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


So I have these moments in my life where I just have to cry!  They used to be more frequent and have become further and far between.  Tonight was one of those nights.  After watching Grey's Anatomy I had to go for a walk.  I found myself on a bench just crying.  Just sitting there, talking to God and just crying.  Am I depressed or just having a rough night.  I figured a little bit of both.  It isn't anything I am worried about.  It doesn't happen enough to be concerned.  I will probably be fine tomorrow.  I usually am.  I just hate it when these moments happen.  Am I alone in this?  Please tell me there are more moms out there that find themselves crying over nothing, or crying over something that isn't too big of a deal.  
I mean come on.  We have so much on our minds on a daily basis.  We have other lives that depend on us to pull through.  We are actually raising the future.  On top of keeping up with the bills and the inside and outside of the house.  Along with food and clothes and animals (if we are dumb enough to have them, which I am).  Our minds are never able to rest.  These break downs are probably super healthy for us.  To relieve our emotions that have been building up.  

That sounds good to me.  I am not going to worry about these moments, I am going to start embracing them and learning from them.  The things that I discussed with God on that bench will be the things that I will concentrate on in a positive way over the next few months.  

Monday, May 7, 2012

Can't Sleep

Why is it that I am so exhausted and yet I can't fall asleep?  Why is that women HAVE to think about things constantly.  I feel like I always have a million things running through my mind at one.  "What is the schedule tomorrow?", "What do I have going on the rest of the week?", "I need to hang little Payton's ballet recital costume upside down for her recital on Saturday!", "Where are we going to live when our lease is up in a few months?", "Is this condo. we were told about going to work out?", "Is that my kids crying?", "I need to get mother's day gifts for the moms in my life." " I need to mail out my nephews card for his birthday!", "Why haven't we ever given him a birthday card before?", 

All of this and more went through my mind tonight.  To be more specific it all went through my mind over and over within 1 hour.  I usually by this time, 1:30 am can get over it and fall asleep.  For some reason tonight I can't.  Here I am blogging just to try and wear myself out some more.  But to tell you the truth I feel like I am typing in my sleep.  My eyes are barely open and my head is pounding cause I am so tired.  I bet if I try to lay my head down and go to sleep I won't be able to.  At this moment I can hear my husband snoring away in our bedroom.

Why are women cursed with...... 

What should I call it?  A brain that thinks a million miles a minute and can't slow down to save our lives? WHY?  I AM SO TIRED!!!

Anyway I am going to try and read a little of my book, "Safe Haven", by Nicholas Sparks to see if that will put me to sleep,

Happy Sleeping Everyone!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Gotta Pee!

Madi has been asking me for the last few days to allow her to walk home to school.  Her school is about 1/4 of a mile away from our home and she would walk along a pretty busy street, although not crossing any streets.
I am what you would call, a paranoid mom.  So of course my answer to her question was "NO!"

Back when I was going to school, not necessarily elementary, but middle school I had to walk 1 mile to school and 1 mile home (not up hill both ways).  Back then it either wasn't as common or people just didn't acknowledge and talk about abductions!
Now they do, and I am aware, and there is no way that I would let my child walk that far.  Anyway I said no to walking home but that I would allow her to walk to the park which is in between.  There are many kids that walk that way and a ton of cars and a crossing guard.  So I felt that was a little more doable. 

The next day Madi reminded me that I had said that, and so today was the day that she could walk to the park and I would meet her there.  So that's what we did!  And it was a success, and she was so proud of herself!

Anyway that is all beside the point of the story I started to write about.  As soon as Madi walks in the front door from school she has to go to the bathroom really bad, she steps one foot in and books it to the bathroom.
So today we were at the park after she had met me there, after school, and of course she has to go to the bathroom.  I could tell because she was criss-crossing her legs and bouncing.  I asked her if we should head home, after 3 minutes of being there, and she said," No, I can hold it."  
So I let her hold it!

And hold it she did (for a Little while)

Then she really started to dance and move.  She came and sat down by me and her legs were very jittery and she kept bouncing up and down.  
I asked her if she needed to go home and she said, "No, give me 3 more minutes," and she ran off.
I yelled back, "I am going to be pissed if you pee your pants."
She hollers at me,"Ok.... well I already tinkled in them," 

Who am I to be mad if she pees her pants, she is the one that will have to stand in them on the way home.  
The things kids do to stay at the park.

P.S. She made it home with only the tinkling in her pants!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

OOOH! We are BAD!

I went to pick Madi up from school on Friday and as we were walking to the car she said we should play a trick on Dad and tell him she got an F on her spelling test.  I told her that I had already informed her Dad that she had gotten a 100%, I saw it when I was helping in her classroom that morning.
I then said, "But we could play a trick on him and tell him that you got in big trouble at school"

So we devised a plan and a story and we decided to do it.  As we were driving home she said to me, "Mom he knows when I fake cry, how can I really cry?" I told her don't worry about it I would come up with something.

As we pulled into our apartment parking lot I told her this, "Madi there is something that I need to tell you.  When we were letting Chula (our dog) out to go the bathroom today she ran into the street and got hit by a car, and well she didn't make it, she died."
Madi started to cry really hard into my side and so I decided to roll with it (I told her not to worry about trying to fake cry for her dad, right) 
p.s. Chula didn't die

As we walked into the house I started to yell at Madi, as planned, and told her to go to her room. I yelled all the usual mom's mad phrases like, "I can't believe you", "We raised you to be better than that", "You need to learn to control yourself".  I walked in the living room and Peyton said, "What happend?"
I said, "Well your daughter decided to throw a chair at someone again, (I say again because she did raise a chair to throw at someone in Kindergarten because the boy was making fun of her name, she didn't really throw it, but she did get in trouble, obviously!!) you are going to have to take care of it this time I am so fed up!"
So he calmly got up and walked into the bedroom where she was under the covers, still crying, who knows if it was over Chula (our "dead dog") or if she was fake crying for the skit.
He pulled the covers from off her head and told her to get down from off the top bunk and come to the bottom.  So she did.
The first thing he said was quite fake crying.  I thought we were busted, but no he kept going.  "What happened?"
"Well this girl in my class were fighting over being friends with Ava, and she called me a diaper head and so I picked up a chair and threw it at her"
By the way she came up with the story on the spot, I was pretty proud, minus the diaper head.
He then proceeded, "So you threw a chair at your friend because she called you a diaper head, this doesn't make any sense.  How do you figure that you can throw a chair at someone for calling you a name?"

I then pulled out her folder and pretended to read the "pink slip" inside, stating that she had received one day in school suspension for her actions.  We then explained to her there would be no recess, no fun, no playing, just sitting and doing homework.

At this point Peytons vein started to show, it always shows on his forehead when he gets really mad.  You could just see on his face how pissed off he was for his daughter receiving in-school suspension.
He then said, " Why are you smiling, this isn't funny, you are in so much trouble"

Madi I don't think could hold it in any longer.  I had already had to turn away and giggle twice, she was so convincing!!
She started laughing and saying tricked ya, tricked ya!!  Which of course I started to laugh!
He looked over at me with confusion and saw that we were really joking and that the "pink slip" was really an order form for Cliff's tickets.  
He said we were horrible and that that was a horrible joke, and then we all started to laugh and roll around on the floor, tackling eachother.  

While on the floor I told Madi that Chula didn't die and that it was just what I could think of to get her to cry.  
"You what, you told her that Chula died, just to get her to cry?  You are a horrible person!" -Peyton

What can I say I am a horrible person sometimes, but boy was it worth it!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Been a While

It sure has been a while since I've been on.  I went on vacation!  I mean a real vacation.  No kids for 4 days.  My brother came home from Afghanistan so my sister and I drove his car out to California and then flew home. 

I don't know if it was more work to get ready and leave all the kids here or if it would have been more work to take everyone with me.  

We were driving out late Thurs. night and staying in Flagstaff, AZ that evening and finishing the drive early Friday morning.  We would spend time with my brother, relaxing, eating great food, and just enjoying the time together.  We flew home late Monday night.

So I needed to make sure that everything was in order at home for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  My husband had Saturday and Sunday off but I needed to get help on Friday and Monday.  So I called family and thankfully my sister-n-law, Jill and my Grandma where each able to take a day.  

On top of that I needed to make sure the house was clean (who knows why, I knew it would be a disaster when I got home), all laundry was done and put away, dinners were planned and groceries were bought accordingly.  I needed to make sure that Jill and Grandma knew where to pick up Madi from school.  I needed to find someone to referee Madi's soccer game, because I usually do it.  I needed to find someone to teach my church class.   I wrote down a schedule and notes for my husband and one for both Jill and Grandma. 

And when I got back I had one day to finish planning and pull together Madi's Team Soccer party.  So I tried to finish up some last minute things for that before I left too, just in case I wouldn't have time when I got back, like order the cake, pick up the trophies, order the bounce house and the dumb city permit to go with it.

It was all a lot of work.  But boy was it worth it.  If I had taken the girls with me I would have had to drive back instead of fly.  I would have had to pay for all their food.  I would have had to constantly watch them.  Instead I was able to sit back and enjoy my time.  I haven't had such a chill weekend in a very very very long time.  With no plans, just do what we want, eat what we want, and it didn't have to be a kid friendly place!  

Everything was fabulous!  Even the house wasn't so bad when I came back.  But boy was it hard to get back into the swing of things.  I was so tired those first 2 days, it was crazy!  Granted some of it was to blame on the soccer party, but still my kids wore me out!!  How in the world have I done this everyday?

I am glad to be back home with my family!  I am glad my brother is home safe from serving our country!  I am especially glad that I have an awesome husband who would have our girls by him self for 4 whole days, and without a singe complaint!  WHAT A GUY!!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Creepy Albertson's Bunny

We went into the grocery story today, the day before Easter.  As soon as I walked in the door I grabbed a cart and started pushing it.  A short, kinda chunky man with a sleevless shirt with holes and shorts and a pierced lip and a camera walked up to me and the girls and said, "the Easter Bunny was right over in the bakery if we wanted to meet him and take a pic. with him."
  I politely said ok, thinking in my head, "there is no way I will take my kids to see the "Easter Bunny" that you are representing.  As we started to turn and walk by the bakery, sure enough there was the "Easter Bunny".  By him was the man that spoke to me and what looked like, his two children.  A girl in her teens in denim shorts and a shirt that had graffiti type writing on it and she had about 3 different piercings on her face.  And a boy that was the best dressed in denim shorts and a red/blue button up shirt, also with a piercing in his lip.


We started walking by and they said, "HI".  We said Hi back and as I started to walk I got a few steps and the girl came up to us and said we can go sit on the "Easter Bunny's" lap and get a picture taken.  I said, "no thank you we don't really have time".  She then gave my girls each an easter egg with candy in it.  And walked away.

I told the girls they were not allowed to eat the candy (which wasn't individually wrapped inside the egg) that I would buy them some different candy and that I'm sure the "Real Easter Bunny" would bring them awesome candy tomorrow.  They weren't liking this idea so I had to explain to them that I do not know those people, that they are strangers and therefore I don't trust them.

It took a while to finally get them to somewhat understand that we can't eat opened candy from strangers, and we don't go sit on someone's lap if MOM doesn't feel comfortable.

I always knew that Albertson's was ghetto but it was totally weird and uncomfortable and I will never go there again, especially around Easter!

Madi is a sweet little spirit!

We were leaving Costco, doing a grocery run.  As we were driving up the hill to Montano there was a woman outside in the median requesting a job.  Her cardboard read something close to this....I am homeless due to domestic violence I will work for food or a place to stay.  Usually I just drive by cause I have no money or fresh food on me.  Today I had a little bit of cash, not much but a little.  I felt inclined to give it to this lady.  So I rolled my window down and she began to approach the car.  The noisy bunch of girls that were in my car became extremely quiet as they watched what was going to happen.  I handed the lady the money and apologized for it not being very much, she said may God Bless you, and I went on my way.  
As we began to drive my girls starting asking a lot of questions like.......
What did you give her mom, 
what was she wanting, 
what was wrong with her.  
So I answered the questions honestly and explained the ladies situations as best as I could from her cardboard sign.
Then the tears began to fall from my sweet little Madi's eyes.  She was so full of love for this little old woman, and so concerned for her situation.  She wanted to do more for her.  I tried to explain to her the best I could that some people live a really rough life.  That we can't always fix their situations and that we need to help them out the best that we can.  I also explained to her that we need to always be grateful for what we have, even though sometimes it isn't always the best toys, or vacations or house, but that we do have more than others and the Heavenly Father blesses us everyday and we need to thank Him for our blessings!
What a sweet little child that I have, to feel such emotion and love for somebody she doesn't even know.  She will do great things in this world!! I KNOW IT!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday, which never last even 24 hours in our house, but that is beside the point.  So I made these cookies and gave each of the girls one to eat.  Payton and Rae didn't eat them before we had to leave for their activities for the day so I said to put them on the counter. They put them on the "counter" (you will know why I put that in quotes later).  
We went about our business and we were coming home from soccer that night and the girls asked if they could have a cookie after dinner.  

I said yes and told Payton and Rae they could finish the ones that they put on the counter.  

Payton said, "I didn't put it on the counter. "
 I asked her where she put it then.  
She said, "in the trash"
"What?  Why would you put it in the trash"
"I didn't want it"
"Well you don't trash it, you can eat it later.  You can eat that one before you get another."  Fully knowing that that wasn't going to happen, eeewww!!

We got home and I went and looked in the trash, and there it was, right on top of a broken shoe, THE WHOLE COOKIE EXCEPT FOR ONE LITTLE BITE!!  Ew I was so mad!  What a waste! Or was it.  So I took that cookie out of the trash and dusted it off and placed it nicely on the pink plate with Rae's cookie.

Then my brother and sister n' law came over to eat dinner with us.  I guess Jason (bro. n' law) saw the cookies and asked Rae if he could eat one.  Rae shrugged her shoulders and gave him a cute little look.  So he thought they were golden!  He started eating it!!
A few seconds later I walked by and saw the pink plate with one cookie on it, Rae's!  I looked at Jason who was half way done with his cookie and said, "Stop!  Where did you get that cookie?  Did you get it off this pink plate?"  
With a startled look of course said, "yes, why?"

So I told him the story of that cookie, how Payton put it in the trash, it sat in it all day and that I just took it out when we got home and that she was going to "have to eat it" and then I started laughing.  
It was so funny!  

The crazy thing is if I freaked out so much on him eating it, was I really going to "teach my daughter a lesson" and make her eat it?  PROBABLY NOT!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


It is snowing today!  April 3rd and it is snowing.  We got the playdough out to have some fun indoors.  We dumped the bucket out, all the toys that come with the playdough and many containers of playdough to go with it.

The girls made a bunch of little foods pieces and animals and had a grand 'ol time.  

When I was cleaning up all the playdough and toys I had 3 or 4 empty playdough containers.  I know colors get mixed up and extra playdough gets shoved into other containers  but not 3 or 4 containers worth of playdough!!  That is a lot of missing playdough.  What are they doing with it?  Eating it?  

Does anyone else have this issue or are my girls really just eating it?  GROSS!!

Friday, March 30, 2012


My husband Peyton had an indoor soccer game tonight so the girls and I all went to cheer him on.  

Dumb idea on my part by the way.  

The first game I watched of his was without the girls!  It was enjoyable, and I was able to watch the game.  This time the girls went, I watched less than 1/4 of the game because I was having to get up and locate my girls, take them to the bathroom, make sure they weren't talking to random people, or wandering off, or breaking anything.  They were good most of the night.  

I had just glanced around to make sure they were visible, which they all were so I watched the game.  About 30 seconds later I heard this phssssssst noise.  I didn't think much of it, I just though it was the buildings cooling system coming on.  Boy am I DUMB!!  
I glanced over to where the girls were playing and water was spraying from somewhere and my girls weren't anywhere near it.  I turned back around and said, "I hope my girls didn't do that," and looked around to see if someone was going to take care of the issue.  No one was, so I looked back at where the water was spraying an a man had walked over and turned it off.  I also saw Madi starting to walk towards me and I asked her if she did that, she replied no.  Then I see little Payton in the back ground standing near the water, soaking wet! 
So I started thinking and putting everything together.  She did that, she somehow turned the water on.  She would do that!!
I got up and walked over there and asked her if she did it, she was at least honest and said yes.  OMG!! I was so embarrassed.  There was no hiding her and acting as if I hadn't a clue as to what had happend.  She was so stinking wet!  

After a small reprimanding, she was told to apologize to the (14 year old look alike) boy who had to clean it up.  Which she did with a little help and encouragement from her father, Bless his heart!  Then when we were getting ready to walk out the door, guess where she was?  YUP, back over by the nozzle just standing there staring at it, checking it out I guess, I DON'T KNOW.  So we had a little learning lesson as to what it was, what it was for and why we NEVER TOUCH ANYTHING THAT ISN'T OURS!  

Also just a side note: within 2 minutes of Payton releasing the water and having to sit down, Reagan fell backwards off the bleachers and hit her head on the concrete floor.  

I don't know if I will be bringing my children back to watch their father play soccer!!