Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nothing is Private

Every once in a while my girls will spend the night at my in-laws, Granny and Grandpa Sego.  This time they spent the night on a Saturday night and Grandpa brought them home early the next morning all bathed because we had church at 9am.  I was very appreciative of them being bathed already, it was very helpful!

Anyway David (Grandpa) told us a little story about what storied were told during the sleepover.
Apparently one of them was Payton telling Granny and Grandpa where Mom shaved and didn't shave on her entire body.  Where mom had hair and didn't have hair.  I'm not going to go into detail on my blog.  Too much detail has already left the 4 walls of my home.  

Lets just say that my in-laws now know the ends and outs of  what my body looks like naked.  
Isn't that nice!