Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nothing is Private

Every once in a while my girls will spend the night at my in-laws, Granny and Grandpa Sego.  This time they spent the night on a Saturday night and Grandpa brought them home early the next morning all bathed because we had church at 9am.  I was very appreciative of them being bathed already, it was very helpful!

Anyway David (Grandpa) told us a little story about what storied were told during the sleepover.
Apparently one of them was Payton telling Granny and Grandpa where Mom shaved and didn't shave on her entire body.  Where mom had hair and didn't have hair.  I'm not going to go into detail on my blog.  Too much detail has already left the 4 walls of my home.  

Lets just say that my in-laws now know the ends and outs of  what my body looks like naked.  
Isn't that nice!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I take a nap every day with my youngest two daughters.  I don't care what you have to say about that cause I love them (the girls and the naps).  Anyway I usually fall asleep before they do and wake up about 1 hour before they do.  
So today my nap was very short because we went down late and I needed to get up and pick Madi up from school. As I was falling in and out of sleep, you know how that happens when you are stressed or you just have a lot on your mind, I noticed Payton picking her nose.  I vaguely remember her saying I need a tissue and getting up to get one.
When I woke up I had 10 minutes until Madi needed to be picked up from school.  So I grabbed my shoes and rushed out the door.  I arrived a little early, our school is about 3 minutes away.  I was sitting in the car, listening to music with the windows down just enjoying the sun rays coming in the window.  As I glanced down at my arm I noticed a little green BOOGER.  GROSS!!  Why would a booger be on my arm?  Then I remembered Payton saying she needed a tissue, before I fell asleep. I figured that was what happened.  Maybe she just rubbed one off on my arm as she got off the bed, on accident.  As I flicked it off I noticed...... another one!  And another!

Not all of them were flickable either I had to scrape some of them off because they were dry and crusty.
What a freak!  
Who makes a booger trail on their mom's arm while she is sleeping?  Ummmm MY KID DOES!  

Monday, May 21, 2012

Helpful Ointment

Being a mom with young children I have come across many bottoms with rashes on them.  Last night at about 10pm I had to deal with this situation.  
I was kind of stuck though.  I had let my friend borrow my antibiotic ointment called Butt Paste.  Which by the way is the best!  It gets rid of any irritation in the bottom area with in 48 hours. 
As I said though I let my friend borrow it.  Then I remembered a sweet little nurse on the other end of the phone a few years ago giving me instructions for a homemade ointment that I remembered working GREAT!!

Here is the recipe in case you ever need it...
Proportions are all equal, I did a Teaspoon of each
Baking Powder

p.s.  It wasn't a little bottom...shhh


We go to church every Sunday.  

Every Sunday I ask the girls what they learned.  

Every Sunday they say, "We learned about Jesus".  WOW!! Such an obvious answer.  Really they should say, "Mom we don't know what what we learned because we didn't pay attention, we were to busy playing and talking to our friends, until they brought out the snacks."

Today was a different day!  Payton actually learned something and remembered to tell us about it.  She learned that she has "Special Ear".  Yep that's right!  And that nobody can touch her special ears. They are special because she can ear cars and toys and that she can and should use them to listen to her teachers.

Do you know what this tells me?  This tells me that she wasn't listening or paying attention in class and her teacher was sweet enough to make up "special ears" so that Payton and possibly others in the class will use their "special ears" to listen to the teacher's lesson, which is what they should be doing anyway.  
That is exactly what this tells me!  Ah oh wel,l we will take full advantage of this and us it in our own home.  I may even threaten to take away her "special ears" if she doesn't listen to me!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I don't know if it is just me, my personality, or if any mom really likes change when it comes to their schedule.  I am a very scheduled person, I like to know when and where exactly I'm going .  I don't like the, "fly by the seat of your pants" schedule and just hope that everything works out.  With kids I need structure.  I need to know every detail. 


When a schedule is altered without, really more than a days notice, I kinda freak out!  I feel frantic and unorganized.  It could be just a small change, such as lets meet 30 minutes earlier.  I won't take this well. I don't understand why I couldn't have that small detail 3 days ago when I was going over that day's plan and schedule in my head.  

So why is that?  Why do I plan everything out so far ahead in advance and a minor hiccup up in it makes me cranky?  Seriously I become very cranky, grouchy, irritable and then I just don't really want to do it at all.  What is wrong with me?  Sometimes I feel like this is everyone else's issue and they just need to pull it together.  After sitting on it for awhile I sometimes wonder if it is me.  

Am I alone?  
Are there other moms out there who ate change as much as I do?

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Different Twist to Mother's Day

Every year I think about how grateful I am to be a mother and how wonderful it is, how talented my children are.  I also think about how proud I am to be their mom and what joy they bring into my life.  All these thoughts still came to my mind this Mother's Day, but so did many other thoughts.

A little bit different though. 

This year I am thankful that I have children who can scream and yell!  I am thankful that my children are able to fight and bicker at each other.  I am thankful that my girls are able to dislike food and to express that to me. I am thankful that they give me their honest opinions even though it may hurt my feelings.  I am thankful that they spit and bite.  I am thankful that they are able to color on walls and tear up important papers.  I am grateful for all these things and many other things that I, as any other mom, would get upset over.  

I am grateful for these things because they mean to me that my girls are normal happy healthy girls!

There are so many children out there who are unable to hear, see, speak, taste, walk or even breath on their own.  There are so many children out there who have extreme health conditions that could cost them their lives.  There are many children out there who can't express there feelings whether it is through kicking their sibling or kissing their mom.  

There are mothers out there who are at their whits end because they don't know how to help their child.  Whether it's because of a medical condition or an environmental situation.  
And there are some Mothers out there who can't have children.  Who have not been blessed with a child of their own.  Who crave so desperately the feeling to be a mom.  

This Mothers day my heart ached so bad for those around me who are in these situations, or whom have children with medical conditions that are unable to fight and bicker and spit and color on the walls.

I know we, mothers with children, would love to trade lives sometimes with those around us who don't have to listen to a screaming 3 year old, who doesn't want to wear matching shoes.  I know I am one, I will be the first to stand and say that, Yes I have thought, it would be nice to just go to the bathroom in my own home and not have to lock the door just to get a minute of peace.  

What if you were on the other side and you couldn't have children and there was nothing you could do to change that.  Or what if that screaming three year old was deaf and couldn't verbally tell you how much they,"wuv you mommy" in their most adorable tone.  

If we think twice about the little healthy blessings that have been placed in our care, we might act differently in rough situations.  We might punish them differently or not punish them at all for accidentally spilling nail polish all over the carpet.  But instead holding them in our arms and loving them and taking the opportunity to teach them.  We are very luck as mothers to have healthy happy screaming children!  

I pray everyday for those in my life who have physical struggles with their children or who are unable to have children.  

I now pray for myself to love the moments and be thankful for the moments that my children are fighting!  It has put a little spin and a challenge into my life to think this way!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


So I have these moments in my life where I just have to cry!  They used to be more frequent and have become further and far between.  Tonight was one of those nights.  After watching Grey's Anatomy I had to go for a walk.  I found myself on a bench just crying.  Just sitting there, talking to God and just crying.  Am I depressed or just having a rough night.  I figured a little bit of both.  It isn't anything I am worried about.  It doesn't happen enough to be concerned.  I will probably be fine tomorrow.  I usually am.  I just hate it when these moments happen.  Am I alone in this?  Please tell me there are more moms out there that find themselves crying over nothing, or crying over something that isn't too big of a deal.  
I mean come on.  We have so much on our minds on a daily basis.  We have other lives that depend on us to pull through.  We are actually raising the future.  On top of keeping up with the bills and the inside and outside of the house.  Along with food and clothes and animals (if we are dumb enough to have them, which I am).  Our minds are never able to rest.  These break downs are probably super healthy for us.  To relieve our emotions that have been building up.  

That sounds good to me.  I am not going to worry about these moments, I am going to start embracing them and learning from them.  The things that I discussed with God on that bench will be the things that I will concentrate on in a positive way over the next few months.  

Monday, May 7, 2012

Can't Sleep

Why is it that I am so exhausted and yet I can't fall asleep?  Why is that women HAVE to think about things constantly.  I feel like I always have a million things running through my mind at one.  "What is the schedule tomorrow?", "What do I have going on the rest of the week?", "I need to hang little Payton's ballet recital costume upside down for her recital on Saturday!", "Where are we going to live when our lease is up in a few months?", "Is this condo. we were told about going to work out?", "Is that my kids crying?", "I need to get mother's day gifts for the moms in my life." " I need to mail out my nephews card for his birthday!", "Why haven't we ever given him a birthday card before?", 

All of this and more went through my mind tonight.  To be more specific it all went through my mind over and over within 1 hour.  I usually by this time, 1:30 am can get over it and fall asleep.  For some reason tonight I can't.  Here I am blogging just to try and wear myself out some more.  But to tell you the truth I feel like I am typing in my sleep.  My eyes are barely open and my head is pounding cause I am so tired.  I bet if I try to lay my head down and go to sleep I won't be able to.  At this moment I can hear my husband snoring away in our bedroom.

Why are women cursed with...... 

What should I call it?  A brain that thinks a million miles a minute and can't slow down to save our lives? WHY?  I AM SO TIRED!!!

Anyway I am going to try and read a little of my book, "Safe Haven", by Nicholas Sparks to see if that will put me to sleep,

Happy Sleeping Everyone!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Gotta Pee!

Madi has been asking me for the last few days to allow her to walk home to school.  Her school is about 1/4 of a mile away from our home and she would walk along a pretty busy street, although not crossing any streets.
I am what you would call, a paranoid mom.  So of course my answer to her question was "NO!"

Back when I was going to school, not necessarily elementary, but middle school I had to walk 1 mile to school and 1 mile home (not up hill both ways).  Back then it either wasn't as common or people just didn't acknowledge and talk about abductions!
Now they do, and I am aware, and there is no way that I would let my child walk that far.  Anyway I said no to walking home but that I would allow her to walk to the park which is in between.  There are many kids that walk that way and a ton of cars and a crossing guard.  So I felt that was a little more doable. 

The next day Madi reminded me that I had said that, and so today was the day that she could walk to the park and I would meet her there.  So that's what we did!  And it was a success, and she was so proud of herself!

Anyway that is all beside the point of the story I started to write about.  As soon as Madi walks in the front door from school she has to go to the bathroom really bad, she steps one foot in and books it to the bathroom.
So today we were at the park after she had met me there, after school, and of course she has to go to the bathroom.  I could tell because she was criss-crossing her legs and bouncing.  I asked her if we should head home, after 3 minutes of being there, and she said," No, I can hold it."  
So I let her hold it!

And hold it she did (for a Little while)

Then she really started to dance and move.  She came and sat down by me and her legs were very jittery and she kept bouncing up and down.  
I asked her if she needed to go home and she said, "No, give me 3 more minutes," and she ran off.
I yelled back, "I am going to be pissed if you pee your pants."
She hollers at me,"Ok.... well I already tinkled in them," 

Who am I to be mad if she pees her pants, she is the one that will have to stand in them on the way home.  
The things kids do to stay at the park.

P.S. She made it home with only the tinkling in her pants!