I took the girls swimming today. We have been trying to teach Payton how to swim without her floaties for a little bit now. Today she made real progress. She can swim short lengths, she just struggles when her head goes under.
As I was laying out, tanning, Payton came over and squeezed a wet ball over my back getting me wet.
Little stink!
I told her, jokingly, that if she did it again I would throw her into the pool, without her floaties.
She thought she was so cool and brave, she did it again. So I got my big butt up and chased after her. You are not supposed to run around the pool so we didn't go far and I gave up. As she attempted to get me wet again, for the 3rd time, I grabbed her by the arm, carried her over to the 3ft. end and gently tossed her. Of course keeping close by incase she needed help.
She did fabulously!! She came right up and swam over to the stairs.
I thought this would be the end but she attempted again. What a dummy!! This time I grabbed the ball and threw it into the pool. Not caring where it went cause she didn't have her floaties and she wasn't going to be able to go after it. As soon as I threw it I turned around laughing to myself.
Next thing I knew I heard a splash! She had jumped in, she jumped right in to go get the ball. I turned around prepared to jump in and then not believing what I was seeing.
That little stink got the ball and swam back up to the side of the pool!