Monday, February 27, 2012

Vicks Vapor Rub!!

My poor little Reagan had a nasty cough and runny nose for almost a month.  I had heard a theory when we lived in Colorado, to put Vicks Vapor Rub on the bottom of a coughing child's feet and then cover with socks and the cough will disappear.  I remembered this after her cough wouldn't go away.  So I did it.
I put Vicks on the bottom of her feet and covered them in socks and then put her in feetie pajamas.  


It worked!  She didn't cough at all at night, and the next day she coughed very little.  So I did the same thing the next night and within 3 days she was 100% better.  I googled this theory just to see what has been said about it.  The studies show that some how it does work.  Nobody really knows why.  It could be that they can still breathe the vapors, even if you put it on their feet. Or maybe the active ingredient, menthol, acts to dilate the blood vessels in the feet, and this triggers some reflex that quiets the cough. Its never been scientifically proven or disproven.
All I can say is that it worked on my little one and I will try it every single time they get a cough!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why are you late for church?

We went to church today just as we do every other Sunday.  Peyton (my husband) had to drive separately because he had to go to work after sacrament was over.  This happens often and not a big deal cause he has to make a living for our family and the requires working on Sunday sometimes.  So I pull out of our apartment parking lot ahead of him. We like to go separate ways if we are leaving at the same time just to see which way is faster, and to race!!  

I pull up into the church parking lot and his car is no where to be seen! HAHAHA!!! YEAH I BEAT HIM!! For the record I never beat him.  He drives to fast, and I am in a van and he is in a V6 Nissan Altima.  Anyway I always loose, except this time I won!!  So the girls and I start piling out of the car with all my bags.  We start walking up the sidewalk and he still hasn't pulled up.  We get inside the church building and find a seat and sit down.  After we sit down the girls go to the bathroom and come back.  Now by this time Peyton should have arrived and he hadn't.  So I, being a good and loving wife, become concerned for him.  What if he was in an accident?  
So I pull my cell phone out of my purse and quietly call him.  He shortly answers.  
I said, "where are you, why are you taking so long, are you ok?"
He responds, "I'm fine and I will be there in a minute."
So I say, "ok!" and hang up the phone

I told Madi, my 6 year old, what was going on and she replies, "I bet daddy turned around and went home to play video games."
I didn't think that this was a possibility so I just laughed.
Next thing I know here comes Peyton walking in all calm and cool.  He sits down beside me and I stare at him.  I gave him the "what in the flip where you doing look" He looked at me and said.......
"I was sitting in the parking lot reading Hunger Games"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


We went and saw the new Chipmunks movie, Chipwrecked.  My girls came home dancing and singing all the new songs...
I wag my tail back and forth(Willow Smith...I whip my hair back and forth)
This one is the one song that they remember and keep repeating.  

Now they are having a dance of with their dad.  Wagging their butts, singing and dancing around the room in a battle mode.  I wish I had my computer to download the dance onto but unfortunately my computer is out of commission currently.
Anyway the dance off turned into inappropriate dancing by their father, of course, and then turning it into bad mouthing each others teams.  I must tell you though as a side note any time Peyton(my husband) dances he starts stripping, whether its a work party or wedding it doesn't matter he starts stripping.  He didn't strip this time thankfully but he just started hitting the floor and shaking his butt, wiggling his butt in their faces.  Really, moves I don't care for my girls to dance like.  

Now they are in dresses (all of them, even Peyton) and comparing who has the best outfits! 
I wished I had this on tape because it is quite comical!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Few Funny Little Things I Would Like To Share

I can't believe it has been almost a week since my last blog.  Time sure does fly when you are having fun!  I don't really know if the past week has been all fun but it obviously has been busy.  I have some funny little tidbits that have happened so I think I will share them today.

Payton(of course) was praying.  For the past several month they have been short and sweet and we've been helping her to make them a little longer and to think about things that she is thankful for and for things she would like to ask Heavenly Father for.  So this morning for breakfast she was asked to say the prayer and some of the things she was thankful for was for her family and for Jesus Christ and for Lions and Elephants and Tigers.  She then began to ask for a new backpack for when she goes to school(she has asked for this before).  But she continued on with numerous things that she wanted, this was like a list to Santa Clause or something.  I let her just continue cause I'm sure Heavenly Father has a sense of humor and he was listening and just laughing like I was.  

This story may be a "it would be funnier if you were there" kind of story.  We were at my in-laws last night and they have a lot of grass to run and play on.  It was dark and we decided to go out and play hide-n-go seek.  SO MUCH FUN!! 
Madison was running to the base, because her Auntie Julia told her to run (so that Madi would distract and Julia could run to safety), so she did as she was told and booked it across the grass.  Now I must tell you Madi is super fast and I swear she gets faster everyday, it just amazes me!  Anyway, Madi is also, well most of us girls in my family are, super duper clumsy.  When Madi started booking it across the lawn with her super speed the "law" of clumsy came into effect.  She biffed it big time.  It was like her legs were swiped out from under her and she was headed straight into a pool of water, or hard ground covered with grass.  She was hurting.  It was hilarious!! We couldn't really laugh out loud because that would given away our hiding spot.  Her Uncle "Big Giant" swooped her up and loved on her while her horrible parents continued to hide.  It really was so FUNNY!!

The last little thing that is so funny to me is, little Payton says, "shlong shleeves" for long sleeves.  They ways she says shlong shleeves is so stinking cute.  The sh's are dragged out to.  So if you come into contact with her, ask her to say it.  We are working on her to say it correctly so hopefully you see her soon!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Phase or Not?

You know when your kids are going through a growth spurt and they sleep and eat a lot.  
Does anyone else think that their kids go through a stage where they are always whining and always throwing a fit?  Cause I do.  My two year old, Reagan cries every single time she doesn't get her way.  Yeah, I know your thinking that is just kids.  But it isn't.  Madi, my eldest didn't do that.  Payton, my 4 year old never did it until now, now that her sister is doing it.  
Their temper tantrums are ridiculous.  I've tried the, lets be calm and talk her threw it.  She just screams at me and throws herself backwards.  I've tried the walking away, which seems to work the best when we are home, but it doesn't work of  course in stores.  We've tried the spanking and timeouts. For the moments those work but in the long run it does nothing.  
I am out of options, I don't know what else to do.  Does anybody else come across this issue or is it just me and my crazy, rambunctious girls?

Saturday, February 11, 2012


This is how I felt today. After shampooing my carpet, running errands, taking Madi to Birthday party, and making sure that the house is spick and span.  Although this is actually how I feel most days, except I'm usually walking out of the house with two slipppers on.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Big Butt

I was helping Payton get dressed.  We came to putting the underwear on.  I had apparently taken out underwear that were too big for her.  She told me, "Mom these ones are to big for me."
I said, "Oh, sorry I will get you some new ones."
She then said, "No it's ok mom, I got a big butt"

My guess is I've previously told her that they were to big on her bottom, that she doesn't have a butt to hold them up.  
Apparently her butt has grown

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So I noticed a few days ago none of my videos will work on this blog.  Has anyone come across this problem with their blogs?  What am I doing wrong?  Pleas Help me!  

Also I will post another somethin' somethin' soon!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Love the Made up Song

Payton is my little musical child.  She sings and dances all the time.  My favorite thing about her singing and dancing is that she doesn't sing "real" songs, she makes them up as she goes.  They are about whatever is on her mind at the time.  I am so excited to get her into some sort of singing or musical instrument class.  That will probably not come until at least the 1st grade and she isn't even in preschool yet.   Anyway I hope you enjoy this video clip as much as I do!

This is Payton's Uncle Jason.  They love to play their music together!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Too Much TV?

Quick little funny story.  If you also notice most of my funny stories are about my sweet little Payton, she is just to much to handle sometimes!

Anyway the other day we were cleaning up the house, so when daddy comes home the house is nice and clean, not looking like we didn't do anything all day.  Actually not doing anything would mean that our house should look perfect and untouched, when it's messy that means we actually were doing something.  Anyway you know what I mean and that is all beside the point. 

So as I was saying we were cleaning up the house and I hollered for Payton (4) to come into the living room and help me tidy up in there.  So she calmly walks in and says, "What?"

I said, "Will you please help me pick up your toys in here?"

"Mom, I don't want to."

"Please it would be so nice if you would help me, and plus I'm not really asking I'm more telling"

"What does that mean?"

"That you have to help me because I'm the boss"


"Step-Mother?  I am not your step-mother"

"Yes you are, you are being bossy, so you are my Step-Mother"
What a nut!!  I couldn't help myself but laugh at this funny little/cute thing standing before me.  I thought Cinderella was a "good influence" not a "lets call our mothers step-mother because they are bossy/mean".  Oh the things that they remember!