My poor little Reagan had a nasty cough and runny nose for almost a month. I had heard a theory when we lived in Colorado, to put Vicks Vapor Rub on the bottom of a coughing child's feet and then cover with socks and the cough will disappear. I remembered this after her cough wouldn't go away. So I did it.
I put Vicks on the bottom of her feet and covered them in socks and then put her in feetie pajamas.
It worked! She didn't cough at all at night, and the next day she coughed very little. So I did the same thing the next night and within 3 days she was 100% better. I googled this theory just to see what has been said about it. The studies show that some how it does work. Nobody really knows why. It could be that they can still breathe the vapors, even if you put it on their feet. Or maybe the active ingredient, menthol, acts to dilate the blood vessels in the feet, and this triggers some reflex that quiets the cough. Its never been scientifically proven or disproven.
All I can say is that it worked on my little one and I will try it every single time they get a cough!!