Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Jessica Larie Rasmussen 
This is the name I was given at birth.

Jessica Larie Sego
This is the name I took after I was married
I am still this except for my children call me something else.

My children call me MOM

I love being a mom.  I love my husband for working so hard so that I am able to stay at home with my 3 daughters.  To be able to teach, love and care for  them on a constant basis.  We have our bad days and our GREAT days as everyone else does too.  For the most part we have good days.  I love hearing their little laughs and giggles, their curious questions, the conversations to their "friend".  I love everything that comes out of their little cute mouths.  

Except for when they say..............

MOMMY, mom, mom, MOMMY, MOM, mommy, mother, mom, mommy, mom, mom, mother, mommy, mom, MMMMMOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!

Over and over again.  I'm obviously talking to someone or doing something.  Even if I respond and say just a minute, half the time they don't hear me because they haven't stopped from saying MOM to even breath.  What is with this.  I love to hear my name, MOM.  As long as it is one time and not a million.  Come on kids!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


This week has been a really tough week so I will share a story from the recent past.  This story is from the dark ages of potty training my youngest daughter, Reagan!!  I hate potty training it is the worst part about a toddler.  Worst than all the tantrums and tears (hers and mine),worst than the days when she is sick and mopey.  I HATE POTTY TRAINING!!
So she had gotten the pee situation under control, but of course the pooping is for some reason the hardest to conquer.  So I was walking toward the girls room and it started to smell like poo.  As I got in the girls room the girls were playing dress up and Rae was naked (panties only) and coming out of the closet.  I said girls it stinks in here.  As usual I was ignored and the girls went about their business.  I left the room and came back a short while later, probably putting clothes or something away.  
Anyway it smelled like poo still and even stronger.  As I got closer to the closet the smell became even more potent.  Ugh I would've gagged.  I had to find where this smell was coming from exactly because it is obvious that it isn't just a fart.  So I began to sniff around from bin to bin.

The very last bin was it.....BINGO!!

I saw one little terd on top of one of the toys.  Heaven for bid this tiny little droplet stinks that bad.  So I investigated further.  With every toy I moved I found another little droplet. 


They just kept coming up, like they were multiplying or something.  About 20 little poo droplets later I found the bottom of the bin.  Let me say that again, 20 little poo droplets later.  I removed all toys from the bin and soaked them in the tub with Lysol and warm water. Why in the world did she poop in the bin?  I just don't get it.  She obviously pulled her pants down and squatted.  Her technique in getting them all through out the toys, like a bloody scavenger hunt was amazing.  Why can't she just go to the toilet and do it there, or at least just make it one big one so I didn't have to search the whole bin for a ton of little rabbit droplets.
At least I am done potty training for at least 3 years!! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


So instead of buying store bought bread I have decided to see if it is any cheaper to make my own once a week I will report on that at a later time.  Anyway today I was making my weekly loaf of plain white bread and I took the little tray thingy magiggy out of the actual bread machine to put all the ingredients in it.  I added the water just fine no issues, next was the butter, no issues once again.  
But can you tell in this picture what is wrong?

Take a closer look

I put the water and the butter where it was supposed to go
But the flour I decided would be best to put it straight in the bread machine.
Oh my goodness, what a dumb thing I did.  
So I took the heavy bread machine and dumped it out over the trash. Most of the flour came out but some did not.  So I took the machine outside and dumped it out on the rocks.  
Bon apetite bugs!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Craft!

Came across this fun activity today and thought we would give it a try.  All  you need is whole milk, toothpicks, food coloring drops, and dish soap.  This is the fun you can have.

 Just put some milk in a dish and put little drops of food coloring all over.

Then dip your toothpick in dish soap and touch the food coloring drops
Something in the soap makes the colors swirl and move
Play the movie below and see for yourself

Afterwards the girls used the colored milk as paint
It was a lot of fun!!
I found this fun craft here

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Take Your Own Photo Booth Pictures!!

My two youngest children and I go to the balloon museum every Wed. morning for story time.  They have a photo booth there that the girls like to climb in and play in as if they are watching a movie or getting their picture taken.  I decided one day to take my camera out and actually appease them and take some pictures.

THEY LOVED IT!!  These photo booths cost a lot of money for 4 little teeny tiny pictures that I have to squint my eyes to see.  They just aren't worth it.  This time on the other hand was totally worth it.  My girls had fun!  I had fun! and the cost = PRICELESS!

So next time you are in a photo booth don't put dollar bills into, take out your own camera and have some fun!

** The one and only pic. where we are all looking at the camera!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How Much is a Homemaker Worth?

This is awesome!  We also do random things on top of what is mentioned in this link.  I think if SAHMs got paid for what we do we would have a lot more SAHMs and I think children would be better behaved (respectful) and eventually turn out to be better citizens!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Give them credit!

I am so proud of Madi
Every Friday Madi has a spelling test in her 1st grade class.  The test usually consists of 10 words.  This last week she had only 5 words on her list.  I thought it was odd but didn't think much of it after that.  So we worked on those 5 words all week long.  As we are driving to school on Friday morning Madi says, "Mom I think we might have more words."  I reassured her that I double check her folder and there were no other words to be found.  At 10am I went into Madi's class to help her teacher out as usual.  She had me putting weekend folders together that included the spelling test that they had just taken that morning.  As I start putting the tests into various students folders I'm noticing that there are double the words from what we had been practicing.  OH CRAP!! Madi was right there were more words.  I started to get nervous and feel really bad that I hadn't prepared my child for her upcoming test.  Every test that I filed that wasn't Madi's made me more and more nervous.....my stupid palms stated to sweat, seriously how DUMB!!  Most of the tests said 100%.  I knew for sure that Madi wasn't going to get them all right, there were some tough words.  I finally said screw it and just started flipping threw all the tests in search for Madi's.  I just couldn't stand waiting for the results.  FINALLY!! I came across Madi's test.......dang that girls makes me so stinkin' proud!!  100% with 3 big fat stickers and an A++ written at the top.  I sat back in the chair with relief.  She is so smart, smarter than I give her credit for.
Sometimes I think we look at our kids and think that they are so small and that they really don't know a whole lot.  But in all reality they know a lot more than we think.  They are constantly watching us and admiring us.  They are learning from our every move.  We forget that they are there because they are so small, but they hear us.  I really think that not only do we teach them but they teach us on a daily basis.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Crowds make them CRAZY!!

Why is it when we go out into crowds with our kids they become a different child.  All morning long my kids were fabulous!  They would answer me saying "Yes ma'am" and "no thank you Mother", which by the way are very rare cases.  Then as soon as you place them in the shopping carts something inside of them turns on and they are a totally different child.  I swear those shopping carts have some sort of chemical on them that they clean with or something, that as soon as our kids breath it in or touch it they start screaming and whining and complaining.
For instance my sweet little Reagan, who is 2 was laughing and smiling in the car. I took her and her sister, Payton 4, out and walked into Target and placed them in their normal spots in the shopping cart and started pushing.  As soon as I turned the corner she starts freaking out and screaming at me.  I had no idea why.  Still to this moment I have no idea why.  So I tell her that she needs to stop that this is not how we act and sure enough within a few minutes she is back to her fun loving self.  
I know you are probably thinking well that wasn't so bad, and no it wasn't but I didn't leave right away either.  We went down the shampoo isle she wanted Dora shampoo.  I said no ( we weren't needing any) and low and behold she flipped out.  She hears no all the time she should be used to it.  This event happened two more times and this is only in one store.
We then proceeded to Hastings I needed a book and I thought this might be a good day to check it out.  Stupid me, we already had 4 temper tantrums, why in the world did I think that today was a good day to go anywhere else but home.  We head toward the books and start looking.  I allow the girls to look through some books that they are interested in while I start browsing for mine.  I find my book and turn around to say, "put the books back it is time to go", Payton obeys, puts her book down and gets up.  Reagan on the other had ignores the first demand but obeys the second and starts walking toward the main isle.  I asked her again to put it back and she still ignores me.  So of course I go to her and take the book away from her as she struggles to hold on and starts screaming at me.  All moms know the look where your kids are being a little too loud and people lightly glance over their shoulders, eyes squinted to see what is going on and then quickly turn back around as if they didn't see anything important.  That's the look I got.  I finally got the book away from her and put it on the shelf.  As I turned to grab her and walk toward the check out she had another book in her hand.  OMG!!  This child is really testing the limits today.  Same process!!  Me grabbing, her screaming, and people looking(although this time they were more interested and watched a little longer with their eyes wide open, and of course some whispers among themselves).  As I get the book free from her hands I put it on the nearest shelf and pick her up, still screaming mind you.  When I picked her up she threw herself backwards, arching her back over my arm which is not very strong, making me drop everything to save her from her head hitting the thin carpeted cement floor.  Payed for my book and bailed, headed straight for the house.
............5 mins. later happy as can be singing away to Old McDonald.
Oh happy shopping!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Start of SAHM

I am a mom of 3 beautiful girls who test me every single day. I never regret my decision to be a stay at home mom (SAHM). I have always worked whether it was part-time or full-time. I am just one of those kinds of people who have to be busy doing something and I needed to be around adults, you know for the adult conversation instead of the baby talk. Until we moved from Colorado to New Mexico. I became a full-time stay at home mom. I have to say tat I have some bad days, as does anyone else. But most of the time I have great days!
I decided to start this blog because I don't think my kids are perfect and I don't think that I am perfect and I hate reading the candy coated stories on facebook how everyone's children are fabulous and you never ever ever hear about the horrendous day that we as moms have. I thought to myself why not start a blog (not a big fan of blogs by the way) and see where it goes. If I can throw out there my bad days so maybe other moms out there who are having a tough time have someone to relate to.
Whatever I decide to post is based solely on my family and my teaching techniques. I am not trying to say that I am doing it right and everyone else is wrong. I just want to share my funny sad,angry,stressful stories that happen in the day and also maybe give feedback to those that have questions and have no one else to ask and maybe to get some suggestions and feedback from anyone and everyone who reads this blog. So please don't take offense to anything I may say, just remember I am an open book and this is how my days pan out.........